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Russia Invites Tourists to Travel into Space in 2023

Russia's space agency, Roscosmos, announced that it plans to invite two tourists to visit the International Space Station (ISS) in 2023. One of them even had the chance to do a spacewalk.

Individuals who accept this challenge will become the first ordinary citizens to feel the sensation of visiting space, becoming a pioneer of space tourism.

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The trip will be facilitated by the manufacturer of the spacecraft, Energia, which is also the main developer for the Russian manned space program.

In recent days, the company has signed a contract with a US company, Space Adventures, which had previously planned a tour to ISS.

Space Adventures itself has not yet determined the price for this unique trip. However, it is expected to reach tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. In comparison, to send one astronaut with a rocket alone, NASA spent about 80 million US dollars.

Prospective buyers will be tested in advance and selected candidates will undergo training for six months in the Star City Russia complex before heading into orbit.

Accompanied by Russian cosmonauts, tourists can do spacewalk for 90 minutes and spend one week at ISS with various activities.

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In addition to Roscosmos, a number of other companies are currently working on plans to send tourists into space. SpaceX for example, hopes to bring ordinary citizens to ISS next year.

The company also hopes to invite a group of tourists to travel to the Moon in 2023 - which will certainly be a breakthrough in the space tourism sector.

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