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Scientists: Our Galaxy Has More Than 30 Civilizations Outside Earth

General questions about whether humans live alone in the universe, still have not found the answer.

And while previous studies revealed that the number of intelligent civilizations ranged from zero to billions, a recent study from the University of Nottingham said there were around 36 active life forms in our galaxy.

By revising the famous 'Drake Equation' to enter new data that was not previously known, the research team was able to create a solid approach in calculating how many Extra-Teretrial Intelligent (CETI) civilizations existed.

"The classical method for studying the number of intelligent civilizations depends on guessing values ​​related to signs of life, where opinions on such matters vary greatly," Tom Westby, study leader from the University of Nottingham said in a statement.

"Our research seeks to simplify assumptions using new data. "It gives a strong estimate of the number of civilizations in our galaxy," he added.

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To make this new estimate, Westby and his colleague, Professor Christopher Conselice, also from the University of Nottingham, made use of the knowledge of the only intelligent civilization that existed, namely humans.

Using aa known as the Astrobiological Copernican Principle, scientists make the assumption that Earth-like planets found in habitable zones will form life in the same time period as Earth (about 5 billion years). And it will actively send signals for 100 years.

By doing so, researchers eliminated some of the terms used in the Drake Equation that were impossible to construct, such as the suitable planetary fraction where life actually appeared (fl), a small part of civilizations that developed detectable technologies, and signs of their existence in outer space (fc). Their findings have been published in The Astrophysical Journal.

Since Dr. Frank Drake's formulation of the equation was discovered in 1961, our understanding of the formation of stars and planetary systems has improved. Now, armed with better new data about the history of star formation in galaxies and the characteristics of planets outside the solar system, the research team can count the number of intelligent civilizations that exist. Divide it by 'weak criteria' (age of star systems that are more than 5 billion years old and have low metal levels) and 'strong criteria' (have star systems between 4.5 and 5.5 billion years old and high metal levels).

"Under strong criteria, where the metal content is equivalent to what the Sun needs, we count there are around 36 active civilizations in our galaxy," Westby said.

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This result is very promising, but there are obstacles behind it. If these civilizations communicate, their average distance is around 17 thousand light years. That is, it needs 3060 years to detect it. Seeing what is happening on Earth, humans may not live long enough to detect it.

"If we can find this intelligent civilization, it means that humans can exist for more than a few hundred years. However, if we do not find active civilization in other galaxies, it will be a bad sign for our own existence, "said Professor Conselice.

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